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Community FAQs
A collection of questions + answers from clients
69 articles
InfoSec Documents (Trust Center)
I don't see any notifications in my email. Why?
How do I update our default working hours?
Why can't I see assigned resources?
How do I import assignments for my projects?Assignments by spreadsheet, assignments by csv, assignments by API
What is the difference between my test account and live account?
How do I account for admin time or internal work like meetings, support tickets, etc?Create an Internal Project so you can assign non-billable hours to staff to work on internal/administrative work
3-dot Menus
How does time off affect the Weekly Utilization % on the People Planner?
Why aren't my placeholders disappearing?
How does the Runn Planner manage different time zones when I have a global team?
How can I find placeholders that have no team associated?
Is there a card view of Runn?
Is it possible to 'stretch' a project so that all allocations change their per-day allocation but 'lock' the overall allocation/budget?
Can I set a maximum utilization rate?How to set a capacity limit to have spare unallocated time.
How do you shift assigned people when shifting phases?
How do I find resources that are free for a certain project? How do I search for availability and role?Explains how to find a n available resource. Shows you how to transfer an assignment to a free resource.
How do I view the Planner in FTEs?
Can I add assignments by percentage?
Why is there a difference in utilization on the planner vs the report?
Why can't I see the actual hours on the Project or People Planner?
How to add a profile photo?
How can I update multiple email addresses?
Why is the cost of my placeholder incorrect?Fixing placeholders with $0 cost
How do I add actual hours when a contract has ended? I can't add hours for an resource that does not have an active contract.
Why are placeholders not contributing to my project costs?
What is scheduled leave?Explains the terminology used in our Time Off feature.
Can the system default to custom hourly rate ?Reviews hourly rates.
Can you have other types of contracts other than full-time and part-time?Explains how you can set a part-time contract to a specific number of hours.
How to change a person's role in a project after adding assignments?
Our rates change every year. How do I manage these rate changes in Runn for projects that span several years?
How to handle Overtime Rates? (video)
Can I set up different charge-out rates for different people in the same role?
Why are my 'Actual vs Scheduled' amounts showing different on the project performance graph vs the table?
Can I charge different rates for the same role on a project?
Can I get my bill in a different currency other than $USD ?
How can I split 1 day of a resource into 2 different phases of the same project?Splitting a day assignment for the same resource on the same project- either to add notes or to assign to phases.
Is there a way for me to track Invoices and payments for invoices from clients?
How do I assign a person different roles on the same or different projects?This article will show you how to assign different roles to different people- within the same or different projects.
How can I manage different currencies in Runn?
How to you change billable hours to billable days?Billable days, Billable hours, Daily rate, hourly rate, rate cards
Can a person have different rates according to the project?
How are archived team members handled from a monthly billing perspective?How archive members are charged or if you pay for them.
How do you set up repeating assignments?
What is Effective Hourly Rate in a Fixed Price Project?
What are the SSO options?Information about SSO. Google SSO, Azure AD SSO. Multifactor
How to delete all information but keep your account? Can I reset my account?Reset account to remove all data.
Does Runn have 2FA?Explains 2FA (Two factor authentication) and MFA (Multi-factor authentication).
Email invites aren't being delivered? What's going on?When your emails to your users aren't being delivered.
How do I create a second test account?If another member of your organization already created a test or demo account, here is to create a second one.
Does deleting a user mean I lose all the data?Deleting a user and archiving a resource and the re-assigning work.
Do you do security reviews?
I can't log in to my Runn account
How can I export assignments with notes?
Does the Clockify integration take into account if a task from Clockify is billable or non-billable?
Does the API allow for updating a contract?
Where do I find the CSV Templates for Importing Data?Download CSV templates to upload your data into Runn
Can I archive or delete people via API?