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I can't log in to my Runn account
Updated over a month ago

Here are some tips to help you if you can't log in to your Runn account:

If you're having trouble logging in, try asking an admin user to send you a new invite.

The admin user can remove your email address and add you again. Removing a user account will not affect any time data logged into Runn. Here are the steps they need to follow:

  • Go to Manage > Users

  • Find the old email address and click Remove

  • Click Invite Users to Account on the top right corner

  • Add the new email address and click Invite

  • Optional: If you're submitting timesheets, make sure to update your email in your resource profile by clicking on the 3 dots next to your name and clicking on "Edit Details."

If you forgot your password, try resetting it by clicking this link here. If you don’t see the password reset email in your inbox, take a quick look in your Spam or Junk folder—it might be hiding there!

Please note that you can try to log in up to five times before your account gets blocked. If this happens, you can unblock it by following the steps in the email "Unlock instructions" email we send.

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