Here are all the fields in the template or downloaded CSV file. To learn more about their definitions, please click on the Field Name.
Prepare your data according to the examples in the template and the formatting requirements listed here.
You can click on the Table of Contents on the right to jump to any section anytime.
Roles, Default Rates and Costs CSV
Field Name | Description/ Formatting Requirement |
Role Name (Required) |
(Required) |
Default Rate (Required) |
People CSV
Person Details
Field Name | Description/ Formatting Requirement |
First Name (Required) |
Last Name (Required) |
(Required) |
(Optional) |
(Required) |
(Optional) |
Cost to Business (per hour) (Required only if you are using Custom Hourly Cost, otherwise Optional) |
Start Date (Optional) |
End Date (Optional) |
Employment Type (Required) |
Tags, Skills and External References
(Optional) |
(Optional) |
External References (Required if you need to use the API or integrations, otherwise Optional) |
People Manager IDs (Optional) |
People Custom Fields CSV
Field Name | Description/ Formatting Requirement |
Person Identifier (Required) |
Person First Name (Optional) |
Person Last Name (Optional) |
Custom Field Name (Optional) |
Contracts CSV
Field Name | Description/ Formatting Requirement |
Contract ID (Required when updating existing contracts) |
Person Identifier (Required) |
Person First Name (Optional) |
Person Last Name (Optional) |
(Optional) |
Default Role Name (Required) |
Employment Type (Required) |
Start Date (Required) |
End Date (Optional) |
Work Days (Optional) |
Minutes per day (Optional) |
Cost to Business (per hour) (Optional) |
Skills & Levels CSV
Field Name | Description/ Formatting Requirement |
Person Identifier (Required) |
Person First Name (ref) (Optional) |
Person Last Name (ref) (Optional) |
Role Name (ref) (Optional) |
Skill Name (Required) |
Level (Optional) |
Time Off CSV
Field Name | Description/ Formatting Requirement |
Person Identifier (Required) |
Person First Name (ref) (Optional) |
Person Last Name (ref) (Optional) |
Start Date (Required) |
End Date (Required) |
Note (Optional) |
Minutes Per Day (Optional) |
Projects CSV
Field Name | Description/ Formatting Requirement |
Project Name (Required) |
Client ID |
Client Name (Required) |
Client Website (Optional) |
Status (Required) |
Primary Team (Optional) |
Pricing Model (Required) |
(Optional) |
(Optional) |
(Optional) |
External References (Required if you need to use the API or integrations, otherwise Optional) |
Project Manager IDs (Optional) |
Workstreams (Optional, available for Enterprise Accounts only) |
Projects Custom Fields CSV
Field Name | Description/ Formatting Requirement |
Project Identifier (Required) |
Project Name (ref) (Optional) |
Client Name (ref) (Optional) |
Custom Field Name (Optional) |
Phases CSV
Field Name | Description/ Formatting Requirement |
Phase ID (Required only when updating existing phases) |
Project Identifier (Required) |
Project Name (ref) (Optional) |
Client Name (ref) (Optional) |
Phase Name (Required) |
Color (Required) |
Start Date (Required) |
End Date (Required) |
Phase Color Index
Number | Name | HEX |
1 | Aqua | #67D0D5 |
2 | Mint | #84DBA0 |
3 | Canary Yellow | #FDCD4F |
4 | Peachy Orange | #FFB077 |
5 | Classic Pink | #F191CC |
6 | Lavender | #B19DE6 |
7 | Reef Green | #9CC5BF |
8 | Leaf Green | #9CE277 |
9 | Sand | #E8C681 |
10 | Terracotta | #DDAE9F |
11 | Lilac | #CD97DA |
12 | Sea Blue | #6899F1 |
Milestones CSV
Field Name | Description/ Formatting Requirement |
Milestone ID (Required when updating existing milestones) |
Project Identifier (Required) |
Project Name (ref) (Optional) |
Milestone Name (Required) |
Note (Optional) |
Date (Required) |
Icon (Required) |
Project Roles CSV
Field Name | Description/ Formatting Requirement |
Project Identifier (Required) |
Project Name (ref) (Optional) |
Client Name (ref) (Optional) |
Role Name (Required) |
Project Rate (Optional) |
Hours (Optional) |
Budget (Optional) |
Placeholder CSV
Field Name | Description/ Formatting Requirement |
Project Identifier (Required) |
Project Name (ref) (Optional) |
Client Name (ref) (Optional) |
Placeholder Identifier (Required when updating existing placeholders) |
First Name (Optional) |
Last Name (Optional) |
Default Role Name (Required) |
Team Name (Optional) |
Cost to Business (Optional) |
Skills (Optional) |
Tags (Optional) |
Users and Permissions CSV / Invitations CSV
Field Name | Description/ Formatting Requirement |
(Required) |
User Type (Required) |
Financial Data (Required) |
Manage People (Required if User Type is Manager) |
Manage Projects (Required if User Type is Manager) |
Add All People to Projects (Required if User Type is Manager) |
Manage Account (Required if User Type is Admin) |
View Planner (Required if User Type is Contributor) |
Assignments CSV
Field Name | Description/ Formatting Requirement |
Project Identifier (Required) |
Project Name (ref) (Optional) |
Client Name (ref) (Optional) |
Person Identifier (Required) |
Person First Name (ref) (Optional) |
Person Last Name (ref) (Optional) |
Role Name (Required) |
Start Date (Required) |
End Date (Required) |
Minutes Per Day (Required) |
Existing Phase ID (Optional) |
New Phase Name (Optional) |
Billable (Required) |
Non-Working Day (Required) |
Note (Optional) |
Workstream (Optional) |
Timesheets CSV
Field Name | Description/ Formatting Requirement |
Person Identifier (Required) |
Person First Name (ref) (Optional) |
Person Last Name (ref) (Optional) |
Person Email (ref) (Optional) |
Project Identifier (Required) |
Project Name (ref) (Optional) |
Client Name (ref) (Optional) |
Role Name (Required) |
Phase ID (Required if you need link the timesheet entry to a phase) |
Phase Name (ref) (Optional) |
Date (Required) |
Minutes (Required) |
Billable (Required) |
Note (Optional) |
Workstream (Optional) |
Custom Fields CSV
Field Name | Description/ Formatting Requirement |
(Required) |
(Required) |
Custom Field Name (Required) |
Description (Optional) |
Include in the Planner (Required) |
Filterable in Planner (Required) |
Options (Required for Single Select or Multi Select Fields) |