Teams are great for organising groups of people. You might want to organize people into different departments, office locations or delivery squads for specific projects.
On the planner, you can then filter people, project or the various charts by team. View Searching and Filter to see how to filter the planner by teams.
Creating a Team
Go to the Teams tab in the top level nav bar
Click the + Add New Team button
Enter the team name
Click the Create button
Assigning People to Teams
It is optional to assign a person to a team. A person can only be part of one team at a time.
Bulk assigning people
Go to Manage > Teams
Select the team you want to add people to
Click the Add people button
Using the drop-down boxes, add people to the team
Click the Save button
While creating a person
Click the Show other details button
Use the drop-down menu to select a team
Click the Create button
Each person can only be allocated to one team at a time, but you can change their team at any time.
Assigning Projects to Teams
A project can only have one team. In Runn, this is called the primary team.
Bulk assigning projects
Go to Manage > Teams
Select the team you want to add a project to
Under Team Projects, click the Add Projects button
Using the drop-down boxes, assign projects to the team
Click the Save button
While creating a project
Use the drop-down menu to select a primary team
Click the Create button
Changing Teams
Go to Manage > People
1. Click the Details button for the person you want to change
2. Click the cog button
3. Select Edit Details
4. Using the drop-down menu, select the person’s new team or select -- No Team --
5. Click the Save button
Managing Team Capacity
You can manage availability and utilization for specific teams in several ways:
Filtering the planner to view select people
Viewing the real-time charts
Grouping by 'Team' and then viewing the group utilization charts
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