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CSV Import & Export - Overview

This article describe the benefits and general information about the tool. Include a short video introduction.

Lyssa Parisella avatar
Written by Lyssa Parisella
Updated over a week ago

Runn's powerful CSV Import/ Export tool allows you to bulk add or update data in Runn, saving countless hours of data entry.

Only Admin users have access to the CSV Import & Export Tool.

Bulk Import data at once

The CSV Import/ Export Tool enables you to perform the following actions in bulk:

  • Add People and Projects

  • Add Time offs

  • Add new Contracts

  • Add Assignments and Timesheets

  • Mass Invite Users

  • Set up Custom Fields Properties

Powerful Exporting Tool

The CSV tool enables you to export active Projects and People data in Runn, making your life easier to run analyses, perform data validation or communicate with your co-workers!

Update data whenever you need

Data maintenance becomes easier as the CSV tool enables you to update:

  • People and Project Details

  • Employment Contracts

  • User Permission Levels

  • Roles, Teams, Tags, Skills, Custom Fields and Workstreams

Demo Video

Here is a 12-minute video on how the tool works in general, with examples and a few uploads:

What can I bulk add/ update?

This tool lets you bulk add or bulk export the required information to get your account set up or keep it up to date:

Data Parameters

Bulk Add/ Update

Data Infrastructure

  • Default Role Rates and Costs

  • Custom Field Properties

  • User Permissions

  • Bulk Add/ Update


  • Person Details

  • Employment Contracts

  • Tags & Skills

  • People Custom Fields

  • External References

  • Timesheets

  • Bulk Add/ Update


  • Project Details

  • Phases & Milestones

  • Projects Custom Fields

  • Tags

  • External References

  • Workstreams

  • Project Editors

  • Bulk Add/ Update

Time Offs, Assignments

  • Time Offs

  • Assignments

  • Bulk Add only

To Learn More

Check out the CSV Import & Export Collection to learn more!

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