Only Admin users with Edit Account Settings and Data set as On can access the CSV Import/Exporter.
You can use the Timesheet CSV Import/ Exporter to:
Import new timesheets for people on projects (both active and archived)
Update the minutes per day and timesheet note
Export timesheets for both active and archived projects under a customized date range
You cannot delete existing timesheets through the CSV Importer. You will have to delete the timesheets manually in Runn.
Importing/ Updating Timesheets
1. Downloading Template
Hover your cursor to the top right-hand corner, click Settings
Click CSV
Click on the Timesheets Tab
Click Download Template CSV
You will see some samples from the template for your reference. You can remove them and add your actual data to the file.
2. Preparing your data in the CSV file
Data Format and Requirements
Refer to the Data Format and Requirements section to prepare your data.
Here are some points to note:
Column headers
It is recommended that the column header names stay the same as those you see in the file downloaded from Runn. This way, Runn can automatically map the data into the system
Can I use my own column header names in my CSV file?
If it is more convenient for you to use your internal naming conventions in the column headers, it is also possible. You will have to manually match the data with a few clicks during the importing process
Our CSV tool allows you to match the column headers into Runn's format with just a few clicks. See the help article here.
Update minutes per day and note only
If you want to update timesheets, you can only update the minutes per day and note on a given date.
You CANNOT update other properties, such as Role Name, Phase ID, Billable/ Non-billable or Workstream. This will be treated as a new timesheet entry.
Remove Optional columns if you don't need it
If the field is marked as optional and you don't need to import data against it, you can delete the column entirely from your spreadsheet.
Importing a file without the optional column will not delete any data in Runn
Where to find the Project ID?
Refer to the Import/ Export Projects help article to learn how to export Project IDs.
Where to find the Phase ID?
Refer to the Import/ Export Phases help article to learn how to export Phase IDs.
Remove all unrequired columns
If you have other columns on your spreadsheet that are not listed in the downloaded CSV file, please remove all these columns before importing
Remove all unrequired columns
3. Importing the CSV file in Runn
Hover your cursor to the top right-hand corner, click Settings
Click CSV
Click on the Timesheets Tab
Click Import Timesheets CSV
4. Upload Assignments
Drag your file to the screen or click Import Timesheets CSV
5. Matching the columns
On this screen, the items on the left are the column headers in your CSV file, while the items on the right are the column headers required in our CSV Tool.
If you haven't changed the column headers, they should be exactly the same. In this case, click Confirm
What do I do if the column headers are not the same?
Check out this help article to learn more.
6. Reviewing Entries
Carefully scroll through the page and check if all the information is correct.
❌ What to do if there is an error?
Check out this article to learn more about how to fix errors.
If everything looks good, click Complete Import
Congratulations! You have successfully imported timesheets! 🎉
7. Validating the data
You can validate if the data are successfully uploaded by following the steps below:
Exporting Timesheets
If you have timesheets in Runn, you can export all timesheet entries from here.
The timesheets exported include both active and archived projects.
Hover your cursor to the top right-hand corner, click Settings
Click CSV
Click on the Timesheets Tab
From the Export Timesheets section, select a date range
Click Download Timesheets CSV
What is the difference between the timesheets exported from the CSV tab and the Export Tab?
The assignments exported from the CSV tab here are the same as the actual hours downloaded from the Export Tab, the difference is only the file format.
We continue to support the Export Tab as it is available for Editors with all financial data permissions, and the CSV importer is only accessible to admin users.
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