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All Collections CSV Import & ExportFAQs
What to do if there is an error?
What to do if there is an error?
Updated over 10 months ago

If errors are identified on the Review Entries page, the Complete Import button will be greyed out until they are fixed.

Identify the errors

You can identify the error rows by clicking on the Find Error or Error rows button to identify the errors:

If there are only a few errors

If there are just a few simple errors, you can fix the errors directly on the Review Entries page.

Fix the errors directly on the Review Entries Page

You can fix the errors directly on the page. To save an updated copy, click Export as Excel on the top right corner

If there are no more errors, click Complete Import

If there are a lot of errors

It is recommended that you revise your original CSV file and re-import since editing is easier in your spreadsheet tool.

Exit the CSV Importer

If you want to exit from the import page, you can click on the X at the top right corner and click Go Back

This will bring you back to the CSV page.

Identify the errors and revise your file

You can identify the errors as explained above and revise your CSV file accordingly.

Import the revised file

Go back to the CSV Import Page and re-import the file again. Repeat the steps until your file is error-free and ready to be imported!

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