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Managing your projects in Runn
36 articles
ProjectsWhat projects are and how to manage them in Runn.
Project phasesWhat phases are and how to create, edit, and delete them
Project milestonesWhat project milestones are, how to manage them, and different types of milestones for your projects.
Project insightsHow to read your project insights
Tentative projectsWhat tentative projects are and how to use them
Rescheduling a projectHow to move or reschedule projects
Duplicating a projectHow to duplicate a repeating or recurring project
Project performance chartsHow to read the project performance chart
Variance chartsHow to read the project variance reports
Project Notes
Schedule a projectHow to schedule a project
Project templatesProject templates are a fast and easy way to set projects up and schedule people in Runn.
How to create a Project Template?
How to create a Project Template from an Existing Project?
How do I edit the project budget and details of the Project Template?Learn about how to view and edit details of the Template on the Project Template Dashboard
How do I delete a Project Template?
Can I clone a Project Template?Clone a Project Template and save as a new one after making minor changes.
If I update the project budget and assignments in the Project Template, will the projects created from the template be updated automatically?
An Overview: Project BudgetsProject budgets enable you to rapidly budget a project by adding high-level hour estimates to roles.
An Overview: Tracking Non-Labour Expenses In Your Budget (Other Expenses)What other expenses are and how to track them
How do I set the Project Revenue when I see it showing as "?" in a fixed price project?
Why my Project Revenue is still shown as $0 when I have selected a Rate Card?
How do I set up custom monthly revenue in a Fixed Price Project? (Video)
How do I set up an non-labour expense allocation?
How is the allocation determined for other expenses?
How do other expenses affect the Project performance?