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Activity Log

Review a record of all activities linked to projects and people.

Lilian Nguyen avatar
Written by Lilian Nguyen
Updated over 4 weeks ago

Runn's Activity Log helps you keep track of events associated with projects and people.

Each entry in the log is recorded based on user input (User, Integrations, or API) and includes the date/time, activity/event type, and description.

🎉 The Activity Log replaces the project History Log, which was previously located in the project's dashboard. This updated feature now includes People activities.



⚠️ Currently, we display activity related to projects and people. Activity related to user actions in account settings or management tasks (eg. adding roles, rate cards) is not included at this time.

How can I access the Activity Log?

You can access the main activity log from your Settings menu, Project dashboards & People dashboards.

➡️ Settings > Activity tab:

Users with Admin and Manager user types can access the main Activity Log via the Settings menu:

✅ Users with restricted financial permissions (specifically, those set to Restricted or None) have access to view all activities except for financial data events related to internal costs and the salaries of employees and contractors.

❌ Contributor users do not have access to the Activity Log.

➡️ Project & People Dashboards:

The Activity log now replaces the project History log, which was previously located in the project dashboard.

➜ You can access the activity log via any Project dashboard or Person dashboard from the Project & People Planners or Manage tab.

1. Access the Activity Log from the Project Dashboard ↓

2. Access the Activity Log from the from the Person Dashboard ↓

💡 You can also view People Notes in the activity log:

Exploring the Activity Log

➡️ Filtering Activity

You can filter activity by Project or People to narrow down specific events or people. Using the arrows allows you to navigate through different time periods.

By default, the activity from the last seven days is displayed.

  • Pro Plan subscribers can adjust the date filters to select any range within the past 32 days.

  • Enterprise Plan subscribers can adjust the date filters to select any range within the past 93 days.

➡️ Activity Grouping

Activities are grouped when they have the same:

  • User Input (user/API/Integration),

  • Event Type (eg. edit person)

  • Subject (person/project)

  • Timeframe (events that occur within 5 minutes)

Editing Projects/People: Changes like edits to a person's skills or updates to project details are grouped together under the respective Subject's name.

Creating or Deleting Projects/People: When multiple people or projects are created or deleted, only the Subject's name is displayed along with the count

Assignments & Actuals: These are grouped under single projects. If you are looking for actuals or assignments related to a specific person/people, they can be filtered in the main Activity Log or in the individual person's dashboard or the project’s dashboard.

🚀 Check out the FAQ here

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