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Overview: Reports

Get an overview of Runn's reports. Anything from how to use the reporting dashboard to what assumptions went into our metrics calculations.

Nicole avatar
Written by Nicole
Updated over a month ago

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Report features

All of Runn's reports follow a similar format.


The name of the report.


The day and date of the report.

This defaults to today. All metrics you see in the report will be as of that day. Your CSV data export will also include that date, for your reference.


A short description of the purpose of the report with a link to the respective help docs.


Allows you to understand how the totals in the report are calculated.

For project reports you will see how the people on the project contribute to the project totals. For people reports you will see how the projects they are assigned to contribute to the person's totals.


Fields add static information to your data table, which you can use to narrow down the data rows displayed in your reports.

First, add the fields you need by clicking the Fields button, then search and filter on the set of related data using the filter or search boxes displayed above the columns.

Project reports fields:

  • ID

  • Client

  • Project Status

  • Contract Status

  • Pricing Model

  • Tags

People reports fields:

  • ID

  • Email

  • Role

  • Team

  • Type

  • Tags

  • Person Status

  • Current Relationship

  • End of Current Relationship

A glossary of all reports fields can be found here: Runn Reports Fields Glossary

Group by

Group by lets you view relevant report data based on project and people groups.

These include:

  • People reports: Team, role, relationship, type (person or placeholder)

  • Project reports: Client, team, project status, contract status, pricing model

You'll also be able to view each group in more detail to see how your totals add up from each person or project.


On the People reports, use the tentative toggle to choose whether to include or exclude tentative projects from the reports.

Date Range

Date Range allows you to choose the timeframe that your report will show metrics for. The date will automatically adjust to the start or end of the week, month or quarter based on your Period choice.


Period allow you to choose the time period to group your report metrics by. Options are: Week, Month, and Quarter on most reports. Metrics on the People Variance and Timesheet reports can also be grouped by Day.


Metrics are the numerical values and calculations that appear in your reports, such as hours, revenue, or utilization.

You can customize which metrics to display and export, by clicking the Metrics button. Metrics are added as additional columns to your data table.

A glossary of all report metrics can be found here: Runn Reports Metrics Glossary

Export CSV

All tables can be exported as a comma-separated values (CSV) file.

The export file will include all visible rows and columns, based on the fields and metrics you have selected.

The export file will exclude any rows that have been filtered out.


Views are account-wide sets of filters that allows you to see your reports based on a pre-defined setup. You can still switch between all views at any time. Additional filters can also be applied on top of the views's filters.

Report data and assumptions

Hours in Runn

Scheduled vs Actual Hours

  • Scheduled hours are the number of hours a person or placeholder is assigned to work on a project.

  • Actual hours are the number of hours a person has logged on the project through their timesheets.

    IMPORTANT: Any metrics you see in your Runn reports have been calculated using actual hours where available. Where there are no actual hours, but scheduled hours, Runn will use the scheduled hours.

    This means that if someone was scheduled to work for 8 hours but didn't enter timesheets that day, Runn will use the 8 hours that were scheduled until the person or an admin/manager logs the actual hours, either 0 if no work was done or another value.

Billable vs Non-billable Hours

Scheduled and actual hours can be further broken down into billable hours and non-billable hours.

  • Billable hours are the number of hours a person or placeholder is scheduled or logged on billable assignments.

  • Non-billable hours are the number of hours a person or placeholder is scheduled or logged on non-billable assignments or projects.


Here's how we account for placeholders in your reports:

  • Future placeholders
    Any placeholder hours you have scheduled in the future (meaning from today, including today) will be included to calculate your project metrics.

    Placeholders take their charge-out rate from the role charge-out rate you have set-up for your project. You can set custom hourly costs for each placeholder or use the default internal role cost you set up when you create a new role in Runn.

  • Past placeholders
    Any placeholder hours you have scheduled in the past will not be included to calculate your project metrics.

    Placeholders are a tool to indicate future demand for a role on the project, and we assume that for past placeholders, you'll have either replaced that placeholder with a real person on your team, or you no longer have that resource requirement.

Tentative projects

On your project reports, you can choose to display and get metrics for both, confirmed and tentative projects. To exclude tentative projects from any of your project reports, click the Fields button and select Contract Status. Use the filter option on top of the Contract Status column to either Show All, Confirmed, or Tentative only.

On your people reports, use the tentative toggle to display tentative projects or remove them.


The data shown in your reports are based on your inputs. We assume that you will bill all hours you have assigned/logged on a project. E.g. if you schedule a person for 10 hours per day but that person's capacity is only 8 hours per day, we will count the 10h and use that number to calculate your report metrics.

Customizing and saving your reports settings

All your reports can be customized, by adding or removing fields and metrics. Those settings are saved between usage, so you can get to the information you need, faster, next time you come back. Note that your reports settings are saved to your local computer, so if you change computers, or reset your browser history the settings will be lost.

Printing your reports

You can print reports using the standard print function in your browser (Mac: CMD+P Windows: CTRL+P). Due to the large size of some reports, we suggest you set the mode to landscape and change the zoom settings. You may also need to remove or resize columns before printing.

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