People are your full or part time employees and contractors that work on your projects.
Go to Manage > People in Runn’s top level nav to manage your employees and contractors.
Adding People to Runn
There are 4 ways to add people to your team:
1. From the People List
Click on New Person
On the Info Tab, Enter the name of the person in the First Name and Last Name fields (Mandatory)
Enter the optional fields if applicable:
Email Address
Public Holiday
People Tag
Other Custom Fields
External References
Click on the Contract Tab
Select the person's role in the Default Role drop-down
Enter the person's Job Title
Select the person's Employment Type in the drop-down
In order to see a picture of the person on the Planner and in your People list, you can use their Gravatar profile picture associated with their email address or upload an image. If you haven't used Gravatar before, here's how to sign-up and set-up Gravatar.
Enter the person's contract Start Date and End Date
Select the person's availability per day under Work Days.
Enter the person's cost under Cost to Business
Click Create
Auto-notification subscription is based on the Team field
It is recommended to fill out the Team field even though it is optional. If users would like to get people-related notifications, they can subscribe to a Team once and will automatically be subscribed to all the new people linked to the team. Learn more about Notifications here.
2. Global New Button in the Planner
From the planner, click New in the top-left
Select Person
Fill in the person's First Name, Last Name and other information.
Click Contract to set up the person's contract details.
Select the Default Role, Job Title, Employment Type, contract Start Date (optional), End Date (optional), Work Days and Cost to Business.
Click Create
3. Bulk Add from the Planner
Click on either the global New button or New Person button
Select the Bulk Add tab
Enter the details for all new people to add
Click Create
4. From the People Planner
From the People Planner, click New Person at the bottom of the People list.
Fill in the person's First Name, Last Name, Role, Email (optional), Team (optional) and People Tags (optional).
Click Contract to set up the person's contract details.
Select the Employment Type, contract Start Date (optional), End Date (optional), Work Days and Cost to Business.
Click Create
Viewing a Person's Details
Click Details next to a person on the People list to get information on:
Their key metrics for the next 4 weeks
What roles they are assigned to
Which projects they are scheduled to work on
Their contract details
Any time off they have booked
From here, you can also edit a person's details and manage their contract.
Editing a Person’s Details
You can edit your people's details in two ways:
1. One person at a time
Click Details next to a person on the People list
Click the cog button
Select Edit Details
Update details
Click Save
2. Bulk edit
Go to the People List
Click Bulk Edit
Select 'Fix your data' or 'Update your data' (see below for more information)
Update details. You can also search the fields of your people in the search bar.
Click Save
When you visit the page, you'll be asked if you want to Fix your data or Update your data.
Fixing your data means there is a mistake and you need to change something. For example, an email is wrong or people have the wrong role, or incorrect costs. This will overwrite your historical data.
Update your data means that something has changed, such as someone has changed role, or a salary increase has resulted in a cost increase. This will change the data from a point in time.
For example, if someone is moving from Intermediate Developer to Senior Developer next week, choose 'Update your data' and the date of the change. Then all data from that date will use Senior Developer, and all historical data will still use Intermediate Developer.
Archiving a Person
When you no longer need to plan for a person you can archive them.
Archiving them will keep all their data, but they will no longer display on the planner by default.
Once a resource is archived, their seat becomes available to use by others. The total number of resource seats in your subscription is managed by your admin (with Edit Account Settings and all Data is set as On) in the billing section.
You are also no longer charged for any archived person.
Click Details next to a person on the People list
Click the cog button
Select Archive
Please note that to archive a person, you’ll need to ensure they don’t have any future assignments. This includes removing all future assignments from tentative projects and project templates.
Unarchiving a Person
You can unarchive a person when needed for a current or future project. They will appear on the planner again once unarchived.
An unarchived resource will automatically be assigned a seat if available. If no seat is available, a new one will be added at an additional cost, like if you were adding a new resource.
You will also be charged for the unarchived person who is now active.
On the top menu bar, hover your cursor on Manage
Click People
On the right-hand side, find Filter and choose Archived
Find the archived person that you would like to make active
Click the 3-dot button and choose Unarchive
Deleting a Person
Please note that deleting a person is permanent and will remove the person from all dependent records, both past and future, including roles, projects and assignments.
Archiving or deleting users on monthly plans no longer automatically affects the cost. When a person is archived or deleted, the seat will be freed up and available for a new resource. However, if the seat is no longer needed, admins (with Edit Account Settings and all Data is set as On) must manually adjust the number of seats on the billing page to reduce the monthly bill.
There’s no undo so use this action with care. If in doubt, please contact our support team, either on chat from inside the app or by emailing
You can delete a person from the:
People planner
Person dashboard
Manage People page
Still have questions? We're happy to help!