Here are some common permission settings for Project Manager in an organization:
Can only add Placeholders, No right to add any person to their projects
If the Project Manager is:
Responsible for managing the project details of their projects (set up the roles, budget, phases and milestones)
Has the right to only add placeholders to represent demand for resources
Do NOT have the right to directly add any named people to their projects
User Permission Setup:
User Type - Manager
Manage Projects - On
Manage People - Off (meaning they can they can only view people in Runn, but not editing their details or adding them to projects)
Project Access
Select Restricted
Add the list of Managed Projects
Make sure the checkbox "can assign all People..." is unticked
Can only assign their team members to their projects
If the Project Manager is:
Managing their own team's projects and people
Has the right to add only their team members to their projects
Do not have the right to edit other team's projects
Do not have the right to allocate other team's people to their projects
User Permission Setup:
User Type - Manager
Manage Projects - On
Manage People - On
People Access
Select Restricted
Add the list of Managed People
You can bulk add multiple people by adding their email addresses, comma-separated. E.g. "," and press Enter
The email address must have been added as Person Details to the Person
Project Access
Select Restricted
Add the list of Managed Projects
Make sure the checkbox "can assign all People..." is unticked