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Permission Setup for Project Managers
Tina Chan avatar
Written by Tina Chan
Updated yesterday

Here are some common permission settings for Project Manager in an organization:

Can only add Placeholders, No right to add any person to their projects

If the Project Manager is:

  • Responsible for managing the project details of their projects (set up the roles, budget, phases and milestones)

  • Has the right to only add placeholders to represent demand for resources

  • Do NOT have the right to directly add any named people to their projects

User Permission Setup:

  • User Type - Manager

  • Manage Projects - Restricted

  • Manage People - View Only

  • Add People to Managed Projects - Managed People (Since their Manage People setting is View Only, they don't manage people and cannot add people to managed projects)

Select Restricted Projects for a Manager

Check out this help article to add the Manager to their projects.

Can only assign their team members to their projects

If the Project Manager is:

  • Managing their own team's projects and people

  • Has the right to add only their team members to their projects

  • Do not have the right to edit other team's projects

  • Do not have the right to allocate other team's people to their projects

User Permission Setup:

  • User Type - Manager

  • Manage Projects - Restricted

  • Manage People - Restricted

  • Add People to Managed Projects - Only Managed People

Select Restricted Projects/People for a Manager

Check out this help article to add the Manager to their projects.

Check out this help article to add the Manager to their people.

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