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Missing Actuals
Rowan Savage avatar
Written by Rowan Savage
Updated over a week ago
❗ You can automatically fill in missing actuals with 0 by turning on the
"Autofill missing actuals" in account settings

On a given day, if there are scheduled hours but no actual hours is entered by the staff, this will be highlighted in red on the timesheet is considered a Missing Actual

Because Runn is used to both plan and record people's time, Runn has the unique ability to alert you when someone was scheduled to do work on a specific project but didn't do the work.
This is called a "Missing Actual" and can be found in various places throughout Runn.

When there are timesheet entries, or actuals, available in Runn, they are used in calculations including the total cost of a project, the forecasted revenue, and variance.

How does Runn calculate missing actuals?

Assuming scheduled hours were worked

By default, where there are missing actuals, Runn assumes the scheduled hours were worked.

Assuming zero hours were worked

You can use an account-wide setting so that Runn will count missing actuals as zero or no hours worked, instead of assuming the scheduled hours. Once a week (every Sunday), Runn will enter 0 as time for any missing entries from the past week.

Go to Settings > Account Settings > Edit > Switch on Autofill Missing Actuals.

Note: This is only recommend for people using a third party integration or API to manage timesheets / actuals. If you use Runn's built-in timesheets, we recommend filling in all timesheet entries, even if no time was worked, for clarity.

How and when should I fill in my Runn timesheets?

Where there are missing entries, you should avoid leaving them as "missing" but instead follow up. If the work was never completed then enter a 0. If you or the person forgot to enter a time entry it can be added then.

The only time "Missing Actuals" should be considered as acceptable is when a project is deliberately not tracking time. If you never track time, you can turn off timesheets from the account settings.

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