The People Variance Report shows differences between the scheduled hours and actual hours, grouped by day, week, month, or quarter.
People Variance Report Metrics
Scheduled Hours | The number of hours a person or placeholder is assigned to work on a project. |
Actual Hours | The number of hours a person has logged on projects through their timesheets. |
Difference | Actuals Hours - Scheduled Hours |
Completed Timesheet | YES or NO |
Note: The People Variance report displays time as decimals, rather than minutes. For example, 5.5 would be 5 hours 30 minutes, not 5 hours 50 minutes.
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For the week of 25 January to 31 January:
Scheduled: 40 - Alan was scheduled for 40 hours
Actual Hours: 47.08 - He logged a total of 47 hours and 5 minutes for the week
Difference: 7.08 - He worked 7 hours and 5 minutes more than was scheduled
Completed Timesheet: YES - He has fully entered his timesheet so the data in the report is correct
For the week of 1 February to 7 February:
Scheduled: 40 - Alan was scheduled for 40 hours
Actual Hours: 20.25 - He logged a total of 20 hours and 15 minutes for the week
Difference: -19.75 - He worked 19 hours and 45 minutes less than was scheduled
Completed Timesheet: NO - He has not fully entered his timesheet so the data in the report may not be correct.