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31 October '23 - Views on the Planner
Updated over a year ago

Introducing Views! These account-wide sets of planner filters let users reduce the noise on the Planner and hone in on the projects and people relevant to them.

Simple, shareable Planner segmentation

While filters are a great way to narrow down the Planner, they're only available on a per-user level.

Views are available on an account-wide level so all users sharing a view will be able to see the same planner, with the same combination of people and project filters applied.

Some examples of views may be:

  • Department: Projects and people belonging to the Legal Department

  • Location: Projects and people located in Germany

  • Resourcing requests: Projects and placeholders with resourcing requests

Additional filters can be applied on top of the View's filters.

Users will be prompted to select a default view when they next log in, but can still switch between views at any time (including the unfiltered "All" view).

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