The People Planner lists all the people in your organization. It shows their availability and utilization over time.
The planner has been designed to help you find the right person to schedule for assignments based on how many hours they have available or their utilization rate.
🤓 How to read the People Planner?
The People Planner provides a Summary of allocation for each person to indicate whether a person is overbooked, underbooked, or at full capacity. uses a combination of numbers, colors, and percentages
Here's what the different colors mean:
Blue - Fully booked
Light blue - Has availability
Dark blue and red - Overbooked
Green - Has no scheduled assignments
Display Options
By clicking on the Display Options icon, you can change the unit of display on the Summary or Unit on Assignments.
Unit on Summary
Available Hours per day
Available Hours per week (the "week" here refers to a 5-day work week, which is Runn's default number of work days in a week)
Available FTE
Utilization %
Example: Available Hours per day
The People Planner shows your people's availability in hours by default. Here's an example with the assumption that a full work-day is 8 hours:
Alan is full. He has 8 hours of planned assignments.
Beyoncé is 2h over. She has 10 hours of planned assignments.
Bob has 4h free. He has 4 hours of planned assignments, and 4 hours of availability left.
Bon Jovi has 8h free. He has no planned assignments.
Example: Utilization Percentage %
If you would rather view your People's availability in percentages, you can choose Utilization % as the Summary Unit.
Weekly Summary
You can also toggle on the Weekly Summary view, which shows your people's availability or utilization rates per week.
When 'Hours per Day' is selected as the Unit of Summary, it is disabled by default.
When 'Hours per week' is selected as the Unit of Summary, it is enabled by default.
For other effort units, you can choose to enable or disable the weekly summary.
Group By
Group By lets you view your people on the planner based on their commonalities. The default grouping is "All" which shows everyone on the planner.
You can also group your people by their role, team, employment type, skills and people tags.
If you are grouping by a parameter and would like to expand all the groupings at once, you can click this icon to expand all:
How to view Utilization % by Team or Role?
By default, the group utilization toggle will be switched on. This enables Group Utilization charts.
When you use the Group By function on the planner, you can view high-level utilization charts for each group of people and placeholders.
Sort By
Sort By lets you sort the order of the people as they appear on the planner.
For people, choose from availability, alphabetical order of the first name, role, or team.
For placeholders, choose from project name or the placeholder's start date.
Note: The order of availability is determined by the total available hours in the visible period on the timeline. You can adjust the period and then refresh the availability by clicking on the refresh button.
➕ Adding a project to a person
To add a project to a person, expand the person, then click Assign Project.
You can choose any project and can change the person's role for that project from their default role.
🔎 Searching and filtering
Using the Search people... field, you can filter the people list by
person name
client name
project name
team name
You can also use the star icon to see your favorite people. When you start a person, the person is starred only in your view but not other users.
For more information see Searching and filtering.
🫥 Placeholders
Expand on each placeholder to see what assignments have been planned and for what project.
For more information about placeholders, see Placeholders
Forecast your hiring needs on the People Planner
The Placeholder Grouping is a very useful tool for you to forecast your hiring needs. See Hiring Report - how to see my future hiring needs? to learn more.