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24 July '23 - Lock & Unlock Timesheets

Streamline your timesheet management with the ability to flexibly lock and unlock your project's timesheets.

Updated over a year ago

Runn admins and editors now get more control over the timesheets for the projects they manage. With the ability to manually lock and unlock timesheets, you can ensure greater accountability by preventing others from making unauthorized changes.

When an admin or editor locks the timesheets for a specific project, no one will be able to make any changes to their entries before the selected week. If changes need to be made to a timesheet, an admin or editor can simply unlock them.

Choose between auto or manual locking for your org

You can now choose to have either auto-lock or manual lock/unlock enabled for your company account.

Auto-lock is recommended for those who want a standard, company-wide rule for when to lock timesheets. Manual lock and unlock is recommended for those who want per-project flexibility and the ability to unlock timesheets at any time.

View this help doc to understand which one suits your company best.

Greater flexibility for managing your project timesheets

Whether it's for end-of-month reporting or invoicing a client, you'll want to ensure your numbers match the timesheet entries.

You can now lock old timesheets for specific projects up to any week from the past, meaning that those timesheet entries can't be updated unless they are unlocked.

This prevents changes being made to the timesheet entries after you've issued an invoice or done your end-of-month reporting.

You can also unlock a project's timesheets to allow for changes from that week onwards.

Transparency over locking and unlocking

All cases of manual locking and unlocking will be recorded in the project history log. You'll be able to see who locked or unlocked the timesheets, when they did it, and what date ranges are impacted.

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