Go to Manage > Rates in Runn’s top level nav to manage your standard rate card.
Every Runn account comes with a standard rate card. New projects will use this standard rate card by default.
Rate cards are based on the roles you have set up for your team, so if you don't see a specific role in your rate card, make sure it's been set up. See Managing Roles.
Setting-up your standard rate card
Select the Standard rate card from the Rate Cards page
Add a description (optional)
Choose whether the rate card will use hourly or daily rates
Choose from a blended/single rate or a per role rate Card type
Edit the rates
Click Save
Deleting your standard rate card
Your standard rate card cannot be deleted. If you don't want to use your standard rates on a project, set-up a custom rate card or update your project rates in the project budget.
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