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Jira Integration Overview (Beta)
Tony Rule avatar
Written by Tony Rule
Updated over a week ago

If you’d like to get early access, please fill out this Request Form. We’ll be starting a pilot in August 2024.

Why enable the Jira Integration with Runn?

Runn’s Jira integration makes it easy to bring your people from Jira projects into Runn for easy scheduling.

Saving time from manually adding Project Teams

With Jira integration, you can easily import project teams on chosen Jira projects in Runn, saving time from manually adding the project team members one by one.

Easy access to Jira from Runn

You can open linked Jira projects directly from Runn, so you can easily check the task completion progress in Jira and adjust the schedule accordingly.

This integration currently supports a one-off import of project teams on a project-by-project basis in this beta version.

Please note that linking projects in bulk is not available at the moment. We are planning to support this function in a future update.

How to turn on Jira Integration?

Please refer to the Initial Setup instructions to set up the integration.

Linking a new Project in Runn with Jira

  1. If the Jira project you want to link is added after the

  2. From the Project Planner, click on the New button and select Project

  3. Enter the Project Name (You can choose to enter the same name for the project in Runn or have a variation. The name of the project won’t change in Jira.)

  4. You’ll now see an External Project field below the Project Name. The External Project field contains a list of all your active Jira projects.

  5. Choose the Jira project you want to link to.

  6. Fill out all the other fields and click Next


I don't see my latest project(s) from the External Project List. What should I do?

  • If you can see your Jira projects but your latest project(s) is/are not in the list then you can trigger a manual sync, by going to Setting > Integrations and choosing the “Options” menu in the top right corner, then selecting “Sync Now”.

I don't see any projects listed in the “External Project” list. What should I do?

  • If you don’t see any projects listed in the “External Project” list then your initial sync hasn’t been completed. Go to the Settings > Integrations screen to check for progress.

Importing people from your Jira project

  1. After completing Step 1 to 5 above, you will be taken to a new Import people screen

  2. You can now choose which of the people that are currently assigned to issues on the Jira project you want to schedule inside Runn. You can either select all of them or just specific people.

  3. Runn will prompt you to link these people to an existing person in Runn (if the email addresses are the same) or create a new person.

  4. You’ll also need to choose a role for every person on your project team. Once you’re done, choose Add to Project

  5. You’ll now be taken back to the Project Planner with your chosen team, ready for scheduling.


Why don't I see everyone's email address on the list?

  • When importing people you may notice that not every person’s email address is listed. This is due to a privacy setting which is controlled in Jira by each person.

  • If the person’s email address is not entered you can do this manually in Runn. You only need to enter an email address if you want to invite the person to have access to your Runn team (you can still schedule a person without their email address being entered)

My project team in Jira has been updated. Why don't I see the latest team members in Runn?

  • This is currently a one-off import of your team. If your team in Jira changes, you’ll need to manually enter any new people in Runn. We plan to offer a live sync of your team in a future update.

Linking an existing Runn project

Any existing project in Runn can be linked to a Jira project too but you won’t get the choice to import people from Jira. We’re planning to improve this in a future update so you can.

  1. From the Project Planner, click on the 3-dot icon next to the Project Name

  2. Click Edit Details

  3. You’ll now see an External Project field below the Project Name. The External Project field contains a list of all your active Jira projects.

  4. Choose the Jira project you want to link to.

  5. Click Save

Opening your Jira project from Runn

Once the Jira link is established, there are 2 shortcuts in Runn to open your Jira projects

From Project Planner

Choose the project shortcut menu next to your project on the Scheduling screen in Runn and choose “Open in Jira”

From Project Dashboard

From your project’s dashboard in Runn, you’ll now see a Open in Jira link which will open a new browser tab and take you to the specific project inside Jira.

View and Search for Projects linked with Jira

From your Manage > Projects screen, you’ll see a Jira icon shown next to any project that you have linked.


  • If you enter “Jira” into the project search bar, you can quickly filter your active project list to just those projects you have already linked to Jira.

Disconnecting the integration

If you no longer need to link your projects to Jira

  1. Go to the Settings > Integrations screen

  2. Click the toggle button on the far left of the Jira panel to disable the syncing process.

  3. Click on the options icon in the top right of the Jira panel and select Disconnect Jira

Frequently Asked Questions

How often does Runn sync the project list with Jira?

The sync will be performed automatically at least every 6 hours.

Can I automatically import people that are new to my project in Jira?

Not at the moment but we’re planning some improvements to surface these newly added people straight from the scheduling screen.

How do I link my Jira projects in bulk?

We only support linking projects one at a time at the moment. We’re planning to support this in a future update.

How can I have my time logged against Jira issues synced with Runn?

We don’t support this at the moment. We’re keen to hear how you’re logging time for Jira projects at the moment so we can consider this.

Are you planning to integrate with other project management tools?

Yes! We’re actively working on this. Please let us know what tools you’d like to see integrated.

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