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Transferring assignments

How to transfer assignments

Updated over 2 years ago

Assignments can be transferred individually or in bulk to other resources or placeholders.

How it Works

  1. Click the 3 dots on the assignment you wish to transfer. If you have multiple assignments to transfer, click on "Select All the Right" or "Enable Multi-Select Mode".

  2. Click on the 3 dots again and select "Transfer". If you have selected multiple assignments, select "Transfer All Selected". You'll enter transfer mode.

  3. Click Transfer next to the resource or placeholder to transfer the work to.

To transfer an entire placeholder and all their assignments, click on the 3 dots next to the placeholder and select Transfer.

Transfer Mode

A - Transfer to

Use the dropdown to switch between people and placeholders.

B - Search and filter

Use the search and filter to narrow down the list of people or placeholders visible in the list. e.g. Role = Designer, Skill = Web Design, Tag = New York.

C - Role

When transferring to people, you can change someone's default role for the selected assignments you are transferring.

D - Transfer button

Hover over each person's transfer button to see what their workload will look like if you give the work to them. Click to transfer.

There will be an "i" icon if you are transferring over existing assignments or have time off. Hover over it for more information.

If the button is grayed out, you cannot transfer to this person or placeholder. Hover over it for more information.

E - Assignment details

Details about how many assignments you are transferring and how many hours that is.

Note: If you are transferring placeholder assignments from the past, those hours will now be included in project totals.

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