Once you are made aware an employee is leaving, follow these steps:
Click on their name in the People Planner and launch the side panel.
Navigate to "Contracts" and add and end date.
Select "Update Existing Contract" and click Save.
You'll now see them as "No Contract".
4. Split any assignments as needed. For example, if they were assigned to a prject for the next 6 months- split the assignment based on your usual hiring and onboarding period.
5. Then transfer immediate work to a another employee ensuring they have availability and there is no conflict. By hovering over "Transfer" - Runn will provide details on any conflicts or reduction in hours.
6. Transfer future work to a placeholder.
7. Click on "View" and then mark the placeholder as in hiring by clicking on the 3 dots and Request>Propose to Hire. This placeholder will then have a small flag to indicate they are being hired.
Once the new hire is ready to take on this work, transfer it over.
You can assist your HR team by adding more details like skills for the placeholder. HR folks can also provide updates in Notes to help with planning!