Time Off Types
Public Holidays: Controlled by your Admin. These cannot be deleted but work can be assigned on those days by clicking into the grey column.
Rostered Day off: Connected to someone's contract details. Work cannot be assigned on those days. However, if you have the correct permissions, these can be deleted and work can the be assigned.
Vacation/PTO: Added adhoc or via integration- in Runn they appear as a row called "Time off" for each resource.
Dealing with Time Off Conflicts
When you add time off to an individual person, the following happens:
Those days will be marked with grey columns.
Notifications will be sent to anyone who is subscribed to that project or person
A decision needs to make be made on whether this has an effect on the overall project. While 1-2 days for fixed price projects may not have a huge impact, for others this work needs to be re-assigned.
If you decide this work needs to be re-assigned:
Click on the name of the project to get a split screen view.
Add a placeholder or person to the project in the same role
Add an assignment to account for the time off hours currently being hidden
How Time Off assignments affect hours
Time off assignments do not delete hours - they simply hide them from that individual workload and the project schedule. As a result, please consider time off for the following scenarios:
Rescheduling an assignment when there is existing time off scheduled for Project Team Members: If a time off is in the current timeline, and you've added an additional resource to cover those hours, shifting that assignment will add those hours back into the project.
Rescheduling an assignment that now creates a time off conflict for a Project Team Members: Those hours may be hidden from the project resulting in a drop in project hours.
Rescheduling a project: If there are future time offs booked, and you shift the project forward that now conflicts with those time offs, hours will be hidden from the project automatically- and your project hours will go down (or up if the scenario is the opposite.)
Ways to Mitigate:
Sign up for Time off notifications- and be diligent about reviewing these notices
Ensure "Total Effort" is toggled on and always review when shifting assignments.
Use the Budget tool to clearly denote the budgeted hours- then with any changes- you can quickly see the changes on the project by clicking on the split screen.