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Time Off Notifications
Time Off Notifications
Updated over a month ago

Get real-time updates on changes to project hours

Time Off In-app Notifications allow you to receive in-app notifications when a Schedule Leave is added to the project team members and reduce the project scheduled hours.

You can stay on top of the changes to the scheduled hours and decide if you want to adjust the project schedules to make up for the reduced hours accordingly.

Who should set up this notification?

  • Project Manager

  • Users who will need to take action on changes to scheduled assignment hours when a scheduled leave is added to a project team member

When will you receive notifications?

  • When a scheduled leave (full day or partial) any day from tomorrow into the future is added to a person, AND

  • The person is a project team member of a project that you subscribed to, AND

  • The scheduled leave overlaps with an assignment for a project that you subscribed to

  • The user will not receive a notification when a rostered day off or public holiday is added.

Setting up a Project-based Subscription Group

In order to receive Time Off Notifications you will need to set up a project-based subscription group.

Once the subscription group is set up, the notification is turned on by default.

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