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Reports: Metrics Definitions & Calculations Breakdown
Reports: Metrics Definitions & Calculations Breakdown

This article explains how metrics are calculated and what assumptions are made.

Lyssa Parisella avatar
Written by Lyssa Parisella
Updated over a week ago

In reports, metrics are accessed via "Columns" which are the numerical values and calculations displayed in your reports.

Some Important Things to Note

Actuals vs Scheduled

Runn reports are calculated using actual hours whenever available. If actual hours aren’t available but scheduled hours are, Runn will use the scheduled hours.

Scheduled hours: The number of project hours assigned to a person or placeholder.

Actual hours: The number of hours a person has logged on the project via their timesheets.

Placeholder Metrics

Placeholders represent unmet demand in Runn. The assumption is that this that placeholder hours will be transferred to a resource to complete.

Reports for a future time period: Placeholder hours (and financial data) is included

Reports for a past time period : Placeholder hours are no longer included

If you do not want to include them for the report for a future time period, add a filter Person Type: Person. If you want to include them for a report in past time period, be sure to transfer the work over to a resource.

As placeholders are not real people, they do not have any contract details associated with them. Therefore, we cannot calculate any metrics that includes contracted or effective capacity like utilization, remaining availability, overtime, business costs, etc.

Classic Reports

We've made some changes in how we calculate certain metrics. If there is a discrepancy with classic reports, please use the metrics from these reports as these align with industry standards and have been updated for better accuracy. You can check out the Difference Log here.

Project Metrics



The budget is only available for the entire project and cannot be broken down or viewed on a period-by-period basis. Though you can now report on the phase or workstream- NO BUDGET can be set against these.

Budget ($): The total monetary amount allocated for the project.

Budget Remaining ($): The remaining monetary amount available for the project.

Budget (h): The total number of hours allocated for the project.

Budget Remaining (h): The remaining number of hours available for the project.

Costs & Profit

T&M Benchmark ($): The potential revenue if the project is billed on a Time and Materials basis, charging for every hour scheduled or logged on the project.


For Time and Material projects: T&M Benchmark ($) = Project Revenue ($).

For Fixed-Price projects: Runn calculates T&M Benchmark based on your project's Billable Hours and the rates set for each role. T&M Benchmark ($) = Billable Hours × Rate per Role.

Project Revenue ($): The revenue you are expected to earn on the project.


For Time and Material projects: Project Revenue ($) = Billable Hours × Role Rates.

For Fixed-Price projects: Project Revenue ($) = Budget ($).

Project Profit ($): The profit generated from the project.


Project Profit ($) = Project Revenue ($) - Project Costs ($).

Project Costs ($): The expected labor costs for the project.


Project Costs ($) = Total Hours × Cost Rate per Person.

If placeholders are used, the internal role cost rate is applied unless a custom rate is set.

Project Margin (%): The percentage of revenue that remains as profit after covering costs.


Project Margin (%) = (Project Profit ($) / Project Revenue ($)) × 100.


Total (available in FTE via Display)

Total : The sum of all hours - both billable & non-billable. (Includes both actuals if available and scheduled (if actuals are not available or for future hours).

  • Example:

    • Week 1: Scheduled Hours = 20h, Actual Hours = 10h.

    • Week 2: Scheduled Hours = 20h, no Actual Hours logged yet.

    • Total Hours for Week 1 and Week 2: 10h (Actuals in Week 1) + 20h (Scheduled in Week 2) = 30h.

Actual Total: The sum of all billable and non-billable hours logged in the timesheets.


Actual Total Hours = Logged Billable Hours + Logged Non-billable Hours.

Scheduled Total: The sum of all billable and non-billable hours scheduled on the Planner.

Formula: Scheduled Total Hours = Scheduled Billable Hours + Scheduled Non-billable Hours.

Billable (available in FTE via Display)

Billable : The number of hours scheduled or logged on billable assignments. Actual hours are used if logged; otherwise, scheduled hours are used.

Formula: Billable Hours = Actual Billable Hours + Scheduled Billable Hours (if not logged).

Actual Billable : The number of billable hours logged in the timesheets.

Formula: Actual Billable Hours = Logged Billable Hours.

Scheduled Billable: The number of billable hours scheduled on the Planner.

Formula: Scheduled Billable Hours = Planned Billable Hours (not yet logged).

Non-Billable (available in FTE via Display)

Non-Billable: The number of hours scheduled or logged on non-billable assignments or projects. Actual hours are used if logged; otherwise, scheduled hours are used.

Formula: Non-Billable Hours = Actual Non-Billable Hours + Scheduled Non-Billable Hours (if not logged).

Actual Non-Billable: The number of non-billable hours logged in the timesheets.

Formula: Actual Non-Billable Hours = Logged Non-Billable Hours.

Scheduled Non-Billable:The number of non-billable hours scheduled on the Planner.

Formula: Scheduled Non-Billable Hours = Planned Non-Billable Hours (not yet logged).

People Metrics


Revenue ($): The expected revenue a person is anticipated to earn from their involvement in projects.

Formula: Revenue ($) = Total Billable Hours × Billable Rate per Hour.

Project Costs ($): The labor costs anticipated for a person or group of people based on the Total Hours worked on projects.

Formula: Project Costs ($) = Total Hours × Cost Rate per Hour.

Business Cost ($): The fixed business costs associated with a person or group of people, based on their contractual capacity.

Formula: Business Cost ($) = Fixed Cost per Person or Group.

Effort (See Project Metrics above)

Difference: The difference between scheduled hours and actual hours.

Formula: Scheduled hours for a set period- actual hours for the same set period


Total Utilization: The percentage of a person's effective capacity used for both Billable and Non-billable Hours.

Formula: Total Utilization (%) = (Total Hours / Effective Capacity) × 100.

Our calculation for a determined period is the sum of all hours / sum of all effective capacity during that period for a person or a group of people.

Billable Utilization: The percentage of a person's effective capacity used for Billable Hours.

Formula: Billable Utilization (%) = (Billable Hours / Effective Capacity) × 100.

Non-Billable Utilization: The percentage of a person's effective capacity used for Non-billable Hours. Non-billable metrics relate only to non-billable work, separate from time off.

Formula: Non-Billable Utilization (%) = (Non-Billable Hours / Effective Capacity) × 100.


Contracted Capacity: The total number of available hours based on a person’s contract. (not available on project level)

Effective Capacity: The total number of available work hours for a person, adjusted for time off. (not available on project level)

Formula: Effective Capacity = Contract Capacity - Time Off Hours.

Time Off Hours: The number of hours a person is scheduled to be away from work. (not available on project level)

Overtime: The number of hours a person is scheduled to work beyond their effective capacity. (not available on project level)

Formula: Overtime = Total Hours - Effective Capacity.

Remaining Availability: The number of hours remaining in a person’s capacity after accounting for Total Hours worked. (not available on project level)

Formula: Remaining Availability = Effective Capacity - Total Hours.

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