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Reports: Permissions

This article highlights what Admin & Managers can do in the Reports module.

Updated over a month ago

To review our new permissions grid, please refer to this help article.

Admins: Can view, create & edit all reports

Managers: Based on their Manage Project / Manage People permissions

Contributors: Do not have access to reports

Financial permissions are applicable in terms of what is available to view in a report. So if a custom report includes financial columns, but a Manager does not have financial permissions, they will be able to view the report but will not see those columns. It does not affect their abilities to view, create or edit reports.

User Type

Can View Reports

Can Create Custom


Can Edit Custom Report

Can Delete Custom Report


✅ Yes

✅ Yes

✅ Yes

✅ Yes


Manage People is On

✅ Yes

✅ Yes

✅ Yes

✅ Yes


Manage Projects is On

✅ Yes

✅ Yes

✅ Yes

✅ Yes


Both Manage People & Manage Projects are Off

(View Projects and People Only)

✅ Yes

❌ No

❌ No

❌ No


❌ No

❌ No

❌ No

❌ No

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