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Notifications Overview
Judita Pank avatar
Written by Judita Pank
Updated over a week ago

Notifications can be delivered via email, in-app, or both, depending on the type of notification.

Notifications are available for paid customers only. Free accounts are not eligible for notifications. If you are testing out Runn, please start a free trial to view notifications.

Please note that we currently offer notifications in regards to missing timesheet entries but more notification types are coming! Let your CSM or the support team know which ones matter to you!

Viewing Notifications- In app

Access the notification center by clicking the bell icon in the top right navigation, this is where you will receive notifications in Runn.

Clicking on the notification will action the notification (e.g. clicking a timesheet notification will take you to your timesheet)

Mark all unread notifications as read by clicking the Mark all as read in the top right corner of the notification centre.

By clicking the (…) menu on the notification, there are two actions available:

Mark as unread/read

This will change the state of the notification to be marked as either unread or read depending on its current state.

Remove message

This will remove the notification from the notification centre, this action can’t be undone.

Notification Settings

Every user can manage their own notification settings.

To manage your notification settings, go to Settings > Notifications.

You can choose whether you would like to receive notifications through email, in-app, or both, depending on the notification type, by turning the toggle either on or off.

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