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Scenario Planning

Do essential scenario planning for all your what-if scenarios.

Updated over 2 years ago

What is scenario planning?

Scenario planning is a strategic process of understanding different future possibilities. The purpose is to develop flexible plans which allow businesses to be prepared for and responsive to any outcome.

In project businesses, scenarios can include:

  • Winning a project

  • Running multiple projects in parallel

  • Delaying a project

  • Assigning different people to a project

...and much, much more!

How scenario planning works in Runn

In this first phase of scenario planning, we've harnessed the power of Runn's tentative projects to create scenarios by toggling them on and off individually. Instantly see the impact of your scenarios on your people's availability, utilization and capacity.

With Runn, you can now:

  • See the impact of different projects coming down the pipeline

  • Compare different versions of a single tentative project

Creating variations of tentative projects

To compare different versions of a tentative project, follow these steps.

  1. Duplicate a project

  2. Adjust the copied version of the project as needed (i.e. reschedule, reassign people etc.)

  3. Rename the copied version of the project to something identifiable (e.g. iHumanOS - delayed 2 weeks or iHumanOS - reduced hours)

Analysing project scenarios

  1. Navigate to the Planner and turn on the charts

  2. Switch on the tentative toggles for a combination of projects or variations. Use either the drop-down toggles or the toggles next to each project in the planner.

  3. See how capacity, availability, and utilization change as you include and exclude different projects

From the People Planner, you can get a bird’s eye view of how different project scenarios impact each person and group.

This is only the beginning of scenario planning in Runn. Let us know what you think so we can take it to the next level!

Viewing tentative projects on the planner

  • When all tentative projects are turned off

Hide all tentative projects from the planners

  • When at least one project is on

Show all tentative projects on the planners. Only include the ones that have been turned on in the project scenario.


How do I save my scenarios?

You currently cannot save scenarios in Runn. You have to toggle the tentative projects individually to include/exclude them whenever you want to see your scenarios.

Why can't I see my scenarios in the reports?

Currently, scenario planning is limited to the planners. You can see time-related insights in the charts, group utilization charts, and bird's-eye view on the People Planner.

Using the tentative toggle in the reports will apply ALL tentative projects and variations to your reports.

How do I make a feature request to improve scenario planning?

Please contact us at We greatly appreciate your feedback!

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