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Project Managers - Managing Resourcing Requests
Tina Chan avatar
Written by Tina Chan
Updated over 2 weeks ago

User Type and Permission Setup

Check out this article to setup the permission level of a Project Manager.

My Resourcing Request Notifications

You will be notified when someone responds to your resourcing request. Click here to learn more about how the notification works.

Filtering the list of resourcing requests

With Runn’s filtering tool, you can easily filter your list of requests according to their status.

  1. From the People/Project Planner, click Filter

  2. Choose Resourcing Requests

  3. Select Requests Raised/Request Responded/Hire Proposed

  4. You can combine the Resourcing Request Status filter with other filters such as teams or Custom Fields

  5. Save this filter for faster access next time

Tips: Your account admin can set up a single select custom field Project Manager and add the Project Managers' names to the corresponding project. Then you can apply the custom field as a filter to filter for your own project.

You can filter both the project and people planners by the type of resourcing request.

When you filter the project planner by Resourcing Request, all the projects containing placeholders that currently have that status will show.

Click HERE to view the explanation of different request statuses.

Raising resourcing requests

Check out this help article to learn more about the steps.

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