Last updated: 2024-10-05
Upcoming Scheduled Maintenance
Upcoming Releases
UTC: 7pm to 10pm - Every Sunday
About Runn's releases
Runn releases every Sunday between 7-9pm UTC.
London: 8-10pm Sunday
New York: 3-5pm Sunday
Los Angeles: 12pm-2pm Sunday
Auckland: 7-9am Monday
Sydney: 5-7am Monday
Generally this will cause no downtime, but you will need to reload the app in your browser before continuing to use Runn. Occasionally the release may result in a few minutes of downtime.
We sometimes move the date of the release due to public holidays in New Zealand, and we will occasionally do unscheduled releases to fix issues in production. Usually these will result in no downtime, and are not announced beforehand.
About scheduled maintenance
Occasionally we must release infrastructure changes that causes downtime. These are scheduled ad-hoc and generally done on Saturday between 10pm - 8am UTC.
London: 11pm - 9am Saturday to Sunday
New York: 6pm - 4am Saturday to Sunday
Los Angeles: 3pm - 1am Saturday to Sunday
Auckland: 10am - 8pm Sunday
Sydney: 8am - 7pm Sunday
We will update this page at least 24 hours before a scheduled maintenance, along with estimated downtime. We aim to notify you 7 days ahead of the scheduled maintenance. From experience, the usual downtime for our infrastructure changes is 30-60 minutes.